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Samantha and Chris Tucson Wedding

Love and Laughter is the best way to describe Samantha and Chris. We spent a glorious afternoon on Mt. Lemon, approximately a year ago, celebrating this couples Engagement. This Engagement Session was so enjoyable that my Wife and I were quit eager to photograph their upcoming Wedding, which was appropriately scheduled on April 1st, (April Fools Day). April Fools Day; The custom of setting aside a day for the playing of harmless pranks upon one’s neighbor which is recognized widely throughout the world. This Couple (who were obviously made for each other), had a Wedding filled with elaborate, loving Pranks, which was located at the famous Savoy Opera House in Tucsons Trail Dust Town. This Wedding featured rubber chickens, FBI ring security, a T-Rex Bride, Will Ferrel Cutouts, Jail ceils, a Thriller dance, and an outgoing Bridal party. We photographed with large smiles on our faces the entire evening, and were honored to be surrounded by true love. Congratulations Samantha and Chris.